Damon Beck Passed 15th May

Damon Beck Passed 15th May

Congratulations to Damon Beck of Warton who passed his driving test on the 15th of May with just 1 minor - an almost perfect pass. Damon already has a car and said that passing his test will help getting to and from work. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Rebecca Duckworth 8th May

Rebecca Duckworth 8th May

Congratulations to Rebecca Duckworth of Blackpool who passed her driving test on the 8th of May. Rebecca already has a car waiting at home. She said passing her test will make it easier to get and from her new job. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School
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Luke Hill – 4th May

Luke Hill – 4th May

Congratulations to Luke Hill of Preesall who passed his driving test on the 9th of May. Luke can now go to his gigs including Glastonbury with his tent in his car instead of public transport Well Done from your Driving Instructor Liz McKenzie and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Marian Culshaw 2nd May

Marian Culshaw 2nd May

Congratulations to Marian Culshaw of Manchester who passed her driving test first time on the 2nd of May. Marian said that passing her test is a wonderful feeling, especially as she is going travelling for 2 months in the USA. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Tom Clarke – Perfect Pass

Tom Clarke – Perfect Pass

Congratulations to Tom Clarke of Blackpool who passed his driving test first time on the 28th of April with NO MINORS - A Perfect Pass! Tom said passing his test will help with applying for new jobs and also bring on new adventures. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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