Carly Fyall 7th April

Carly Fyall 7th April

Congratulations to Carly Fyall of Blackpool who passed her driving test first time on the 7th of April. Carly said that passing her test is a fantastic feeling and has come at the right time as she and her husband are expecting their first child. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Victoria Clayton 4th April

Victoria Clayton 4th April

Congratulations to Victoria Clayton of Blackpool who passed her driving test on the 4th of April. Victoria said that passing her test is a wonderful feeling and also needed as she is moving house this month and has started a new job, so driving will help her. Well Done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Alan Higgins 31st March

Alan Higgins 31st March

Congratulations to Alan Higgins of London who passed his driving test first time on the 31 March with only 3 minors. Alan said once he gets home he will be looking for a car to help him get to and from the gym and work. Well done from your Driving Instructor Simon Anson and all the team at BDS Driving School.
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Maddison Taylor 28th March

Maddison Taylor 28th March

Congratulations to Maddison Taylor of Blackpool who passed her Driving Test first time on 28th March after completing an intensive driving course with Blackpool Driving School. Maddison said she is looking forward to getting a car and going to visit family in Scotland. Well done from your driving instructor Simon Anson and all the team at Blackpool Driving School
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Carlena Minshull 24th March

Carlena Minshull 24th March

Congratulations to Carlena Minshull of Chester on passing her driving test on 24th March on her first attempt after an intensive driving course with Blackpool Driving School Carlena is looking forward to going car shopping. Well done from your driving instructor Simon Anson and all the team at Blackpool Driving School
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